
권 아나콘다 50문장 3 : 활용 대화문

완벽쓰앵님 2024. 7. 27. 22:23

 50개의 이디엄을 사용한 짧은 대화문을 만들어보자!

  1. "I am salty"
    • A: "You seem upset. What’s wrong?"
    • B: "I am salty about how that meeting went."
    • A: "What happened?"
    • B: "I felt like my ideas were completely ignored."
    • A: "I’m sorry to hear that."
  2. "You don’t want to know"
    • A: "How was the dentist appointment?"
    • B: "You don’t want to know. It was a nightmare."
    • A: "Oh no, really?"
    • B: "Yeah, let’s just say it wasn’t pleasant."
    • A: "Yikes."
  3. "I couldn't care less"
    • A: "Did you hear about the new office policy?"
    • B: "Honestly, I couldn’t care less."
    • A: "Why’s that?"
    • B: "It doesn’t affect my work."
    • A: "Fair enough."
  4. "I got stuck in traffic"
    • A: "Why are you late?"
    • B: "I got stuck in traffic for over an hour."
    • A: "That’s frustrating."
    • B: "Tell me about it. I was stuck in gridlock."
    • A: "Glad you made it."
  5. "It's a different kettle of fish"
    • A: "How’s the new project compared to the last one?"
    • B: "It’s a different kettle of fish entirely."
    • A: "In what way?"
    • B: "The scope and requirements are completely different."
    • A: "Got it."
  6. "We are stuck in a rut"
    • A: "Our work routine feels so monotonous."
    • B: "Yeah, we are stuck in a rut."
    • A: "Any ideas on how to break out of it?"
    • B: "Maybe we should try something new."
    • A: "Good idea."
  7. "Don’t hold your breath"
    • A: "Do you think they’ll finish the project on time?"
    • B: "Don’t hold your breath. They’re running behind schedule."
    • A: "That’s disappointing."
    • B: "Yeah, we’ll have to wait and see."
    • A: "Okay."
  8. "I give you my word"
    • A: "Will you help me with this task?"
    • B: "I give you my word, I’ll be there to help."
    • A: "Thanks, I really appreciate it."
    • B: "No problem."
    • A: "Great!"
  9. "It’s a long story"
    • A: "Why did you move to a new city?"
    • B: "It’s a long story. Let’s just say it was for a fresh start."
    • A: "I’d love to hear the details sometime."
    • B: "Sure, I’ll fill you in later."
    • A: "Looking forward to it."
  10. "We've got to break the mold"
    • A: "Our marketing strategy seems outdated."
    • B: "We’ve got to break the mould and try something innovative."
    • A: "What do you suggest?"
    • B: "Let’s brainstorm some new ideas."
    • A: "I’m in."
  11. "That's what I'm talking about"
    • A: "We should focus more on customer feedback."
    • B: "Exactly, that’s what I’m talking about!"
    • A: "Glad we’re on the same page."
    • B: "Definitely."
    • A: "Let’s implement it."
  12. "The damage is done"
    • A: "I’m sorry for the mistake in the report."
    • B: "The damage is done. Let’s focus on fixing it."
    • A: "I’ll work on the corrections immediately."
    • B: "Thanks for taking responsibility."
    • A: "Of course."
  13. "I can't sit still"
    • A: "You seem restless today."
    • B: "I can’t sit still. I have so much energy."
    • A: "Maybe you need a break or some exercise."
    • B: "I think you’re right."
    • A: "Go for a walk."
  14. "It's better than nothing"
    • A: "The new offer isn’t great, but it’s something."
    • B: "Yeah, it’s better than nothing."
    • A: "I guess we’ll have to make do with it."
    • B: "At least it’s a start."
    • A: "True."
  15. "That's just the way it is"
    • A: "Why do we always have to follow these rules?"
    • B: "That’s just the way it is. Rules are there for a reason."
    • A: "I suppose you’re right."
    • B: "It’s better to accept it."
    • A: "Agreed."
  16. "Stay focused"
    • A: "I keep getting distracted while working."
    • B: "Try to stay focused on the task at hand."
    • A: "I’ll do my best."
    • B: "It’ll help you get things done faster."
    • A: "Thanks for the tip."
  17. "He was quite high maintenance"
    • A: "How was your experience working with that client?"
    • B: "He was quite high maintenance. Lots of demands and changes."
    • A: "Sounds exhausting."
    • B: "It was. I’m glad it’s over."
    • A: "I bet."
  18. "I went cold turkey"
    • A: "How did you quit smoking?"
    • B: "I went cold turkey. No gradual reduction for me."
    • A: "That’s impressive!"
    • B: "It was tough, but it worked."
    • A: "Well done."
  19. "Don't keep me waiting"
    • A: "I’ll be there soon, just finishing up."
    • B: "Please don’t keep me waiting too long."
    • A: "I’m on my way now."
    • B: "Thanks for letting me know."
    • A: "No problem."
  20. "Get with the programme"
    • A: "I don’t understand why we’re doing it this way."
    • B: "You need to get with the programme. This is the new approach."
    • A: "I see. I’ll adjust accordingly."
    • B: "Good. It’s important for consistency."
    • A: "Understood."
  21. "Give me a ballpark figure"
    • A: "What’s the estimated cost for the project?"
    • B: "Can you give me a ballpark figure?"
    • A: "I’d say around $10,000 to $15,000."
    • B: "That helps a lot. Thanks!"
    • A: "You’re welcome."
  22. "What's your best guess?"
    • A: "When do you think we’ll complete the task?"
    • B: "What’s your best guess?"
    • A: "I’d estimate another two weeks."
    • B: "Alright, we’ll plan accordingly."
    • A: "Sounds good."
  23. "It is a pain in the neck"
    • A: "How’s the new software?"
    • B: "It’s a pain in the neck to use."
    • A: "Really? What’s wrong with it?"
    • B: "It’s confusing and glitchy."
    • A: "That’s frustrating."
  24. "It keeps me on my toes"
    • A: "How do you find the new job?"
    • B: "It keeps me on my toes. Every day is different."
    • A: "That sounds exciting."
    • B: "It definitely is."
    • A: "Glad to hear that."
  25. "We'll lie low"
    • A: "What’s the plan for the weekend?"
    • B: "We’ll lie low and avoid any big gatherings."
    • A: "Sounds like a good idea."
    • B: "I just need some downtime."
    • A: "Understood."
  26. "It blows me away"
    • A: "Have you seen the new movie?"
    • B: "Yes, it blows me away! The effects were amazing."
    • A: "I’ve heard great reviews."
    • B: "You should definitely watch it."
    • A: "I will."
  27. "I'm susceptible to it"
    • A: "Do you get sick often?"
    • B: "Yes, I’m susceptible to it, especially during flu season."
    • A: "That’s tough."
    • B: "I try to take extra precautions."
    • A: "Good idea."
  28. "I'll level with you"
    • A: "Are you happy with the new arrangement?"
    • B: "I’ll level with you, I’m not thrilled about it."
    • A: "What don’t you like?"
    • B: "The change in responsibilities."
    • A: "Thanks for being honest."
  29. "They had it coming"
    • A: "Did you hear about the disciplinary action?"
    • B: "Yes, they had it coming for their repeated mistakes."
    • A: "It was overdue, I guess."
    • B: "Definitely."
    • A: "I agree."
  30. "I'll spare you the details"
    • A: "What happened at the meeting yesterday?"
    • B: "It was chaotic, but I’ll spare you the details."
    • A: "Sounds like it wasn’t great."
    • B: "You could say that."
    • A: "Got it."
  31. "Bad news travels fast"
    • A: "I can’t believe everyone knows already."
    • B: "Bad news travels fast, you know."
    • A: "That’s true."
    • B: "It’s always the way."
    • A: "Indeed."
  32. "Why the long face?"
    • A: "You look upset. Why the long face?"
    • B: "I just got some disappointing news."
    • A: "I’m sorry to hear that."
    • B: "Thanks for noticing."
    • A: "I’m here if you need to talk."
  33. "What's the occasion?"
    • A: "I see you’re celebrating. What’s the occasion?"
    • B: "I got a promotion at work."
    • A: "Congratulations!"
    • B: "Thanks! I’m excited about it."
    • A: "You should be."
  34. "I had a blast"
    • A: "How was the party last night?"
    • B: "I had a blast! It was so much fun."
    • A: "That’s awesome!"
    • B: "Definitely. I’m glad I went."
    • A: "Me too."
  35. "Don't fall for it"
    • A: "Are you buying that deal?"
    • B: "I’m not sure. Don’t fall for it, they say."
    • A: "It might be a scam."
    • B: "I’ll be cautious."
    • A: "Good call."
  36. "Suit yourself"
    • A: "I’m going to the new restaurant for dinner."
    • B: "Suit yourself, I’m staying in."
    • A: "Alright, see you later."
    • B: "Have a good time."
    • A: "Thanks."
  37. "It was put on ice"
    • A: "What happened to the project we were working on?"
    • B: "It was put on ice until further notice."
    • A: "That’s unexpected."
    • B: "Yes, we’ll have to wait for updates."
    • A: "Alright."
  38. "You've lost me"
    • A: "So the plan is to revamp the whole system?"
    • B: "Yes, and then implement the new procedures."
    • A: "You’ve lost me. Can you explain it again?"
    • B: "Of course. Let’s go over it."
    • A: "Thanks."
  39. "I'm on cloud nine"
    • A: "How are you feeling after the big news?"
    • B: "I’m on cloud nine! It’s been such a great day."
    • A: "That’s fantastic!"
    • B: "I’m so happy."
    • A: "I can tell."
  40. "She was thirsty"
    • A: "Why was she asking for water every few minutes?"
    • B: "She was thirsty, probably didn’t drink enough."
    • A: "That makes sense."
    • B: "Yes, she needed to stay hydrated."
    • A: "Definitely."
  41. "There's nothing to it"
    • A: "Is it hard to set up the new system?"
    • B: "There’s nothing to it. It’s quite straightforward."
    • A: "That’s good to hear."
    • B: "Yes, it’s user-friendly."
    • A: "Great."
  42. "But there's a twist"
    • A: "So the story ends with a happy ending?"
    • B: "Actually, but there’s a twist at the end."
    • A: "Really? What happens?"
    • B: "I don’t want to spoil it."
    • A: "Got it."
  43. "We're out of the woods"
    • A: "Are we still facing problems with the project?"
    • B: "No, we’re out of the woods now."
    • A: "That’s a relief."
    • B: "Absolutely. Things are looking up."
    • A: "Fantastic."
  44. "Let's play it by ear"
    • A: "What’s our plan for the weekend?"
    • B: "Let’s play it by ear. We’ll see how it goes."
    • A: "Sounds flexible."
    • B: "Yes, it’s always good to be adaptable."
    • A: "Agreed."
  45. "Don’t even bring it up"
    • A: "Should we discuss the old issue again?"
    • B: "Don’t even bring it up. It’s water under the bridge."
    • A: "Okay, I’ll drop it."
    • B: "Thanks for understanding."
    • A: "No problem."
  46. "Your eyes are bigger than your stomach"
    • A: "You ordered so much food!"
    • B: "I guess my eyes were bigger than my stomach."
    • A: "You can’t eat all that?"
    • B: "No, I’ll probably take some home."
    • A: "Sounds good."
  47. "It's not even close"
    • A: "Do you think we’re meeting the deadline?"
    • B: "It’s not even close. We need more time."
    • A: "That’s disappointing."
    • B: "We’ll have to adjust the schedule."
    • A: "Okay."
  48. "I don't blame you"
    • A: "I’m sorry I missed the meeting."
    • B: "I don’t blame you. It was a hectic day."
    • A: "Thanks for understanding."
    • B: "No problem. We’ll catch up."
    • A: "Great."
  49. "Don't let it bother you"
    • A: "I’m really upset about the feedback I received."
    • B: "Don’t let it bother you. Everyone has room for improvement."
    • A: "You’re right. I’ll work on it."
    • B: "That’s the spirit."
    • A: "Thanks."
  50. "I am at your service"
    • A: "Can you help me with this task?"
    • B: "Of course, I am at your service."
    • A: "I really appreciate it."
    • B: "Anytime. Just let me know."
    • A: "Will do."

2024.06.23 - [idioms!!] - 권 아나콘다 50문장 3 - idiom(권주현 아나운서)


권 아나콘다 50문장 3 - idiom(권주현 아나운서) 앞부분 50문장입니다. 1짜증나I am salty2모르는 게 좋을거야You don’t want to know3내가 알게 뭐야I couldn't careless4길이 막혀서 꼼짝도 못했어I got stuck in traffic5그