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there are, there is 사용 예문



1. There is, there are는 "~가 있다"로 해석


2. 모두가 알다시피 "There is"는 단수, "There are"는 복수를 따르지만,

네이티브들은 회화에서 "There is" 뒤에 복수명사를 사용하는 경우도 많다. (예: "There's five apples")
하지만 시험이나 글쓰기에서는 꼭 규칙을 지키도록 하자.


3. There is, there are + 주어 뒤에 < TO부정사, 전치사구, 현재분사, 과거분사, 관계대명사>를 이용한 예제

  • 전치사구:
    • There is a pencil on the table in my house.
    • There are pictures on the wall in the museum. (오타 수정: musium → museum)
  • 과거분사:
    • There are clothes displayed in that store.
  • 현재분사:
    • There is a child singing on the chair. 
  • TO부정사:
    • There is something cold to drink on the table.
    • There is nothing to read in my house.
    • There are no chairs to sit on.
    • Is there anyone to talk to?
    • Are there any problems to solve for you?
  • 관계대명사:
    • There is someone who is willing to swim every day.

4. There are/is로 표현해도 되지만 개인적인 것은 I have로 표현하기도 한다

  • There are two rooms in my house.
  • I have two rooms in my house.

<  추가 예문 >


  • There is a book under the bed.
  • There are flowers in the garden.


  • There is a letter written by her.
  • There are cookies baked by my mom.


  • There is a cat sleeping on the sofa.
  • There are people waiting outside.


  • There is a meeting to attend tomorrow.
  • There are assignments to complete by Friday.


  • There is a student who needs help.
  • There are friends who care about you.