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권 아나콘다 50문장 1 : 활용 대화문

50개의 이디엄을 가지고 각가 5줄정도의 짧은 대화문을 만들어보자.
  1. I put my family first.
    • A: Why did you turn down that job offer?
    • B: I put my family first. I need to be there for them.
    • A: That’s very admirable.
    • B: Thanks, family always comes first for me.
  2. I could get the most out of it.
    • A: How was the conference?
    • B: It was great! I could get the most out of it.
    • A: That’s good to hear.
    • B: Yeah, I learned a lot and made some useful contacts.
  3. Sometimes we don’t see eye to eye.
    • A: How's everything going with your roommate?
    • B: Sometimes we don’t see eye to eye.
    • A: That's tough.
    • B: Yeah, but we’re working on it.
  4. If everything goes according to plan,
    • A: When will you finish the project?
    • B: If everything goes according to plan, by next week.
    • A: Sounds good.
    • B: Let’s hope there are no surprises.
  5. You're more than welcome to stay.
    • A: Can I crash at your place tonight?
    • B: Of course, you're more than welcome to stay.
    • A: Thanks, I appreciate it.
    • B: No problem at all.
  6. It'll do the trick.
    • A: I have a headache. Do you have any aspirin?
    • B: Here you go. This should help.
    • A: Thanks, I hope it’ll do the trick.
    • B: Just rest a bit after taking it.
  7. Once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy.
    • A: I’m struggling with this new software.
    • B: Don’t worry. Once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy.
    • A: Really? I hope so.
    • B: Trust me, you’ll be a pro in no time.
  8. As far as that is concerned,
    • A: Do we need to worry about the budget?
    • B: As far as that is concerned, we’re in good shape.
    • A: That’s a relief.
    • B: Yeah, we planned well this time.
  9. I leaned on him.
    • A: How did you manage during the tough times?
    • B: I leaned on him. He was a great support.
    • A: It’s good to have someone like that.
    • B: Absolutely, I couldn’t have done it without him.
  10. I’ll take a rain check.
    • A: Want to grab lunch today?
    • B: I’ll take a rain check. I have a meeting.
    • A: Sure, another time then.
    • B: Definitely. Let’s plan for next week.
  11. How did your summer project go?
    • A: How did your summer project go?
    • B: It went really well! I learned so much.
    • A: That’s awesome.
    • B: Yeah, it was a great experience.
  12. I ended up becoming an English teacher.
    • A: What did you decide to do after college?
    • B: I ended up becoming an English teacher.
    • A: That’s great! Do you enjoy it?
    • B: Absolutely, it’s very fulfilling.
  13. I’ll take over.
    • A: I need to step out for a bit.
    • B: No problem, I’ll take over.
    • A: Thanks, I won’t be long.
    • B: Take your time, I’ve got this.
  14. It works for me.
    • A: How about we meet at 3 PM?
    • B: It works for me.
    • A: Great, see you then.
    • B: See you!
  15. I’ll take one for the team.
    • A: Someone needs to work the late shift.
    • B: I’ll take one for the team.
    • A: Thanks, you’re the best.
    • B: No problem, happy to help.
  16. I’ll keep you posted on that.
    • A: Any updates on the project?
    • B: Not yet, but I’ll keep you posted on that.
    • A: Thanks, I appreciate it.
    • B: Sure thing.
  17. That’s close enough.
    • A: Should I move the table closer?
    • B: That’s close enough.
    • A: Alright, just let me know if you need any adjustments.
    • B: Will do, thanks.
  18. It's worth doing the right thing.
    • A: I’m not sure if I should report this.
    • B: It’s worth doing the right thing.
    • A: You’re right, I’ll report it.
    • B: Good decision.
  19. I’ll take that as a compliment.
    • A: You’re really good at this!
    • B: I’ll take that as a compliment.
    • A: You should, you’ve earned it.
    • B: Thanks!
  20. I’ll get right on it.
    • A: Can you finish this report by today?
    • B: I’ll get right on it.
    • A: Thanks, I appreciate your help.
    • B: No problem.
  21. It’s as good as new.
    • A: Is your laptop still broken?
    • B: No, I got it fixed. It’s as good as new.
    • A: That’s great to hear.
    • B: Yeah, I’m so relieved.
  22. They have a lot in common.
    • A: How are your new friends?
    • B: They have a lot in common with me.
    • A: That’s nice. Makes things easier, right?
    • B: Definitely, we get along really well.
  23. That's typical of you.
    • A: I forgot my keys again.
    • B: That’s typical of you.
    • A: I know, I really need to work on that.
    • B: Maybe a keychain would help.
  24. You look after yourself.
    • A: I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather.
    • B: You look after yourself. Get some rest.
    • A: Thanks, I will.
    • B: And don’t hesitate to see a doctor if it gets worse.
  25. What took you so long?
    • A: Sorry I’m late.
    • B: What took you so long?
    • A: The traffic was terrible.
    • B: No worries, just glad you’re here now.
  26. Go for it.
    • A: I’m thinking about applying for that new job.
    • B: Go for it. You’d be great at it.
    • A: Thanks for the encouragement.
    • B: Anytime!
  27. He’s a piece of work.
    • A: How’s your new boss?
    • B: He’s a piece of work.
    • A: That bad, huh?
    • B: You have no idea.
  28. I won’t let you down.
    • A: This is an important task. Can you handle it?
    • B: I won’t let you down.
    • A: I trust you.
    • B: Thank you, I’ll do my best.
  29. I’ve been trying to reach you.
    • A: Hey, where have you been?
    • B: Sorry, I’ve been trying to reach you. My phone died.
    • A: No problem, just checking in.
    • B: Thanks for understanding.
  30. It was a stroke of luck.
    • A: How did you find this place?
    • B: It was a stroke of luck. I stumbled upon it by accident.
    • A: It’s perfect!
    • B: I know, right?
  31. Don’t bottle up your feelings.
    • A: I’m fine, really.
    • B: Don’t bottle up your feelings. It’s okay to talk about it.
    • A: Maybe you’re right.
    • B: I’m here for you.
  32. It is hard to come by.
    • A: Have you found a new job yet?
    • B: No, a good one is hard to come by.
    • A: Keep looking, something will turn up.
    • B: Thanks for the encouragement.
  33. You’re growing on me.
    • A: What do you think of my new hobby?
    • B: At first, I wasn’t sure, but you’re growing on me.
    • A: Glad to hear that!
    • B: Keep it up.
  34. I burnt the midnight oil.
    • A: You look tired.
    • B: I burnt the midnight oil finishing my project.
    • A: Well, I hope it was worth it.
    • B: It was. Thanks for noticing.
  35. Cut me some slack.
    • A: You missed the deadline again.
    • B: Cut me some slack. I’ve been dealing with a lot.
    • A: Okay

36. That would be the best case scenario.

  • A: If we can finish this project by Friday, we can relax over the weekend.
  • B: That would be the best case scenario.
  • A: Let’s aim for it.
  • B: Absolutely, fingers crossed.


37. I couldn’t agree more.

  • A: We need to improve our customer service.
  • B: I couldn’t agree more.
  • A: Let’s start by retraining our staff.
  • B: Great idea.


38. I’ve got a memory like a sieve.

  • A: Did you remember to bring the documents?
  • B: Oh no, I forgot. I’ve got a memory like a sieve.
  • A: It's okay, just email them to me later.
  • B: Will do, sorry about that.


39. It’s on the house.

  • A: How much for the coffee?
  • B: Don’t worry, it’s on the house.
  • A: Wow, thanks!
  • B: Enjoy your day.

40.I think you should get a second opinion.

  • A: The mechanic says I need a new engine.
  • B: That sounds serious. I think you should get a second opinion.
  • A: Yeah, you’re probably right.
  • B: Better to be safe than sorry.


41.You are second to none!

  • A: Do you think I did well on my presentation?
  • B: Are you kidding? You are second to none!
  • A: Thanks, that means a lot.
  • B: You truly nailed it.


42. Don’t pull my leg.

  • A: I won the lottery!
  • B: Don’t pull my leg.
  • A: No, seriously, I did!
  • B: Wow, that’s incredible!


43. Cat got your tongue?

  • A: ...
  • B: Well, aren’t you going to say something? Cat got your tongue?
  • A: Sorry, I’m just a bit shocked.
  • B: Take your time.


44. You have lost the plot.

  • A: I think we should paint the office walls black.
  • B: You have lost the plot. That’s too dark.
  • A: Maybe you’re right. Let’s go with something lighter.
  • B: Much better.


45. Let’s just keep it between us.

  • A: I heard about the changes coming to the team.
  • B: Let’s just keep it between us for now.
  • A: Got it, I won’t say a word.
  • B: Thanks, it’s still confidential.


46. You know the drill.

  • A: What’s the plan for today?
  • B: Same as always. You know the drill.
  • A: Right, I’ll get started.
  • B: Perfect.


47. It’s been a roller coaster ride.

  • A: How’s your new job going?
  • B: It’s been a roller coaster ride, but I’m enjoying it.
  • A: That’s good to hear.
  • B: Yeah, lots of ups and downs.


48. I look up to you.

  • A: Thanks for all your help.
  • B: No problem. I look up to you, you know.
  • A: Really? That’s so nice to hear.
  • B: Absolutely, you’re a great mentor.


49. It’s overrated.

  • A: Everyone’s talking about that new restaurant.
  • B: I’ve been there. It’s overrated.
  • A: Really? That’s disappointing.
  • B: Yeah, don’t believe the hype.


50. It was a blessing in disguise.

  • A: Losing my job was the worst thing that happened to me.
  • B: But now you have your own business. It was a blessing in disguise.
  • A: You’re right, it turned out for the best.
  • B: Exactly, sometimes setbacks are opportunities in disguise.