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tied the knot,catching up,swapping,big days


아래 글을 네이티브가 idiom을 사용해서 바꾼 문장을 읽고, idiom을 사용한 다른 예들을 읽어보자!!

I have several swimming members and yesterday I came across the news that one of them just got married after 6 months. Yesterday, we were catching up and we were sharing about our wedding story.
--> I'm part of swimming group, and yesterday I found out that one of the members had tied the knot after only six months! We were catching up and ended up swapping wedding stories, sharing all the details and memories of each of our big days.


1. Tied the knot

  • : 결혼하다.
  • Examples:
    1. After dating for five years, they finally tied the knot in a beautiful beach ceremony.
      (5년간 사귄 후 그들은 아름다운 해변 결혼식에서 마침내 결혼했다.)
    2. My cousin and his girlfriend are tying the knot next month, and we’re all excited.
      (내 사촌과 그의 여자친구가 다음 달에 결혼해서 우리 모두 기대하고 있다.)

2. Catching up

  • : (오랜만에 만나서) 서로의 소식을 나누다, 밀린 이야기를 하다.
  • Examples:
    1. It was great catching up with my old school friends over coffee.
      (오랜만에 학교 친구들과 커피 마시며 밀린 이야기를 나누니 좋았다.)
    2. Let’s have lunch sometime soon; we have a lot of catching up to do.
      (조만간 점심 먹자. 밀린 이야기가 많아.)

3. Swapping

  • : 교환하다, 서로 바꾸다.
  • Examples:
    1. The two friends enjoyed swapping stories about their recent travels.
      (두 친구는 최근 여행에 대해 이야기를 나누며 즐거워했다.)
    2. We ended up swapping seats because she wanted to sit by the window.
      (그녀가 창가에 앉고 싶어 해서 결국 자리를 바꾸게 되었다.)

4. Big days

  • : 중요한 날, 특별한 날.
  • Examples:
    1. Her graduation was one of the biggest days of her life.
      (그녀의 졸업식은 그녀의 인생에서 가장 중요한 날 중 하나였다.)
    2. With the wedding just a week away, everyone is getting ready for the big day.
      (결혼식이 일주일밖에 남지 않아 모두가 그 중요한 날을 준비하고 있다.)